Because renters are so strongly protected in France you'll find property owners are really careful about who they lease to, you will be required to provide many guarantees.
You could be requested a guarantor if you're working on short term contracts, retired or self employed.
I had always had an idea that I want to ski right from being a teen, I did the regular thing of asking my elders if I could go on the high school skiing trip but discovered that the monetary implications were a bit too high for my elders to control as I was one of 4 youngsters and money was tight. I was convinced that was it and that it just wasnt my destiny to go skiing and I should quit. I didnt bank on my better half though who'd been skiing on a few occasions and was fully hooked on the game. If you have to supply a guarantor they also will be predicted to show salary of 3 times the monthly rental amount. As you move into a rental property an in-depth report of the disposition of the property is prepared and signed by both parties. Ensure any existing damage is noted or you could be responsible to pay for the damage when leaving. The owner will expect evidence that you've gone and taken out the required insurance. If not you'll need the help of a translator or a home finder in the area you need to move to.